Saturday Sips

Monthly interviews that highlight others’ experiences with and knowledge around schools.

Effective Teaching…What Does That Mean?

Dr. Robinson, a Professor at the University of Memphis, wrote a paper entitled Typologies for Effectiveness: Characteristics of Effective Teachers. In it he writes, “Universal effective teaching makes all missteps in the classroom automatically the fault of the learners who do not respond to the universal style of effective teaching.” In this podcast Dr. Robinson and I begin to breakdown this quote and answer the question of what does it mean to actually be an effective teacher? Listen to the podcast below.


Socially and Emotionally Healthy Schools- Larissa Gregory

Larissa Gregory, a certified counselor and seasoned school leader shares her experiences as a school leader, emphasizes that schools are both problematic and structures of hope, and explains her work with teachers and administrators through LGEd consulting. Listen to the full episode below.